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Technology has improved the science of biology, biosynthesis, bioproduction, and bio cultivation. Research and development, popularly known as RND, for the science of biology using technology (known as biotechnology) have given major hopes to look beyond the horizon limits of the legacy to treatment. Below are highlights of the top trends to watch in 2020.

Animal to Human Organ Transplant Expansion

This organ transplantation is gaining full-fledged speed. Predominantly done between pigs and animals, this is being explored for patients with heavy diabetes or the last stage of organ failure, cells, or tissues.

We all can agree, transplantation has been one of the most significant victories in terms of saving lives, especially for those, who had very fewer hopes of living a normal, healthy life. But the problem in this technology lies here, the number of organs available and agreeing for the transplant are very less as compared to the demand for organs. Thus, the idea of using animals, especially pigs, using the cross-breeding and gene editing kidneys was invented by scientists.

According to statistics, the year 2019-20 had 19% of transplant operations. This is said to be the highest number in the last 12 years. For this, a new way of treatment is used by the medical team worldwide. Donors, who were infected with Hepatitis C virus were used, and then they were cured with treatment and medicine.

Looking at the future, we can surely say that, organ-transplantation or Xenotransplantation is one of the most promising fields of treatment and we can expect breakthroughs in the field furthermore.

As we are making progress in the field of organ transplant, the potential risks of xenotransplants have been increased, especially disease transmission. Hence, the process of animal-to-human transplants needs balanced and careful thoughts on these risks.

However, modern researchers prioritize some characteristics at present to find the most suitable animal for an organ transplant. These are as follows.

  1. There should no chance of cross-species infection.
  2. The intended organ should function well in humans. 
  3. The animal should be of compatible physiology and anatomy. 

CAR-T Hepatic Artery Infusions

CAR-T, also known as Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells, have been manufactured specifically to produce genetic artificial T-cell receptor. It is a cell therapy used in cancer treatments. In this treatment, the T cells are further modified and created in such a way that they can recognize cancer cells in the body, target them, and even more, destroy them. These T-cells are either from the patient (own body) or some healthy donor body.

The cells are at first taken from the person’s body, made isolated, and then they are biogenetically engineered, which triggers them to target the surface of the tumor ( or cancer). Once entered inside the body, the cells will get “alive” and thus act as a drug against cancer cells. One can also say, this is a form of the immunotherapy treatment system.

FDA has permitted CAR-T cell therapy for Leukaemia patients up to the age of 25 years. They are patients who had relapsed cancer or hadn’t been cured with treatments given before. It boosts the patients’ immune system to fight the cancer cells. In this system, their own immune system will be modified in various, treatment required versions, mainly on the WBC(White Blood Cells), too.

With the success of the treatment system in Leukaemia patients, now the treatment is slowly opening for various certain tumors, the first being, Brain tumors.

Cell-Free Protein Expressions

This therapy is also known as in-vitro protein synthesis. This is considered a significant breakthrough in manufacturing life science systems, in which living cells are not used. This biotechnology enables creating/engineering strong and flexible biological parts, thus providing easy and speedy solutions with unimaginable liberty to develop cells in an environment other than the cell system.

This treatment has many advantages as well as a disadvantage. The most prominent advantage is time. Normal protein expression may take up to 1-2 weeks, whereas the no-cell or cell-free protein synthesis takes just 1-2 days. Here, due to the absence of the cellular wall, manipulation of the cells become easy. Taking samples, advancing concentrations and reaction monitoring are all easily carried out. Contrasting this, once inserted, DNA reaction can’t be manipulated or accessed until it is over.

Another advantage is the difficult self-duplication of the cell system. This helps in maintaining the ease of the system. Also, since it is uncoupled from cell growth, the system can be controlled through high manipulation and lesser complexity. Simple, easy, and direct access to the environment of the reaction system makes the synthesizing of proteins much easier.

Of the few disadvantages of this system, one is the reuse of that cell-free system.

Therapy-based Biomanufacturing of Cells

The first living system for this therapy is, stem cells of plants! Yes, they seem promising in bringing hope to cure currently-uncurable diseases or disorders permanently. This includes purification and isolation of cells, activating and differentiating it, and preserving it.

Cisgenesis and Intragenesis

Now, this technology is affecting the most important aspect of the survival of human life, food, in terms of crops. GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) improve crops in the factors which are associated with safety, environmental risks, and health issues. This is because, in this system, foreign DNA is infused. In recent times, cisgenesis and intragenesis are seen as the new tool for the modification of crops.

Cisgenesis deals with modifying genetically a new copy of natural genes belonging to mating compatible plants. While intragenesis deals with transferring the newly created combinations of genes plants. The best example of this cultivated worldwide is Grapefruit. The reason for this is the gene. Its sequence is complete, opening new sources of information to genetic grape by manipulation. Here, both genic plants should be free and away from other genetically engineered plants.

Thus, further biotech advancements not only target improvements for humans but also, other life forms.

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